Military Wedding and Saber Arch | Photography by Atlanta Artistic Weddings

Military Wedding in Augusta Georgia photography by

Military weddings are the best!  When I say it is an honor shooting shooting weddings I really mean it.  This wedding took in Augusta, Georgia.  The venue was across the street from Augusta National Golf Course. This couple was great!  They wanted to incorporate some of the military customs in their wedding.  The big one was the Saber Arch.  The Saber Arch is a wedding tradition in which the swords or sabers are used to salute a newly married couple. The bride and groom pass under an honorary arch of sabers.  The tradition is a world wide.  It’s tradition has origin goes back to the British navy.  Officers and enlisted personnel in the bridal party wear formal dress uniforms.  The bride and groom proceed into the arch , and as the couple passes through.  The last two saber bearers usually lower the sabers in front of the couple, detaining them momentarily. Before releasing the couple, the saber bearer to the couple’s left gives the bride a swat on her backside with his saber, announcing “welcome the military!”

I want to congrats to this wonderful couple and thank you for your service!

Thank you so much for visiting!

Please feel free to call Atlanta Artistic Weddings at: (404) 578-6982
and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can.
Thanks again!
David Diener 
you can also email me at

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