Looking for Unique Light for Atlanta Wedding Photographers | by www.atlantaartisticweddings.com

Wedding Photography by www.atlantaartisticweddings.com

Looking for Light in Today’s Atlanta Wedding Photography

As a Atlanta wedding photographer the first thing I am looking for when shooting a wedding is light.  But what is photography but drawing with light.  You can look for light sources everywhere.  I generally look for natural light sources because the are just more natural.  They are also more predictable vs. flashes and such.  When shooting a wedding I like to shoot quickly no one wants to wait and wait on the wedding photographer to set up lights that he can only use on one shot.  So I like to travel light and with today’s light sensitive cameras you don’t really need the bright lights of the past.  

At www.atlantaartisticweddings.com we are a group of Atlanta wedding photographers always looking for creative and unique lighting.  One of my favorite light sources right now is the cell phone!  Most cell phones have a pretty powerful LED light in them now.  They are always available and easy to work with.  Recently I was shooting as wedding.  It was one of the fe moments that the couple danced.  I was not the only person who noticed and on of the guests started shooting video with their cell phone.  When I saw how he was also holding it high I thought perfect!  I lined up on the person and their phone and got this wonderful rim light on the couple. I hope you enjoy the photo as much as I did taking it.

As you visit my site I do hope you enjoy the photographs as much as I did taking them. It is such an honor being a wedding photographer in Atlanta.


Thanks so much for visting!

David Diener

you can also email me at

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