As time goes by there are more and more wedding photographers. I am a professional wedding photographer with over 20 years experience. I have worked hard to please my many…
During my time as a professional wedding photographer I have seen a lot of DJ's. They come in many different sizes and styles. The two things I always tell every…
I want to say one of the most colorful and beautiful ceremonies is the ones from the Indian culture. Since working at I have gotten the honor of photographing…
I have done many weddings at many different church locations through out Atlanta and the surrounding areas. The one thing that can be said that everyone will agree on is…
There is nothing more important than getting reviews of your wedding photographer. There are so many wedding photographers out there you need to know the good photographers from the bad…
This bride booked me a year in advance. Her brides maid is the one who suggested me to her and I was so appreciative because this was a wonderful wedding.…
This wedding reminds me of the urban weddings you see in magazines. This wedding was shot in the the heart of downtown Atlanta. The bride and groom wanted a very…