Atlanta Wedding Photographers Shoot at New Park on the Northside of Town

The Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings shoot engagement session at new park located on the north side of town

The Atlanta wedding photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings shot an engagement session at new park in northern Atlanta. They shot a lovely couple David and Liat. They were a young couple who went to the same school growing up but started dating when they got a little older.

They started early in the morning like David likes to do. Since it is early it is cooler in the morning. It is a nice time to take a leisurely stroll and chat. They saw many walkers that morning since it was such a beautiful day. They even saw couple of other photographers. One was a nature photographer with a 600mm lens shooting birds and other wildlife. The second photographer was a family photographer who hung out at the covered bridge with a young family she was shooting.

The Garrard Landing Park is a beautiful park. It has a covered bridge and many walking trails with wild life such as deer, rabbits and many species of birds. If you want great location for photography or a fun time with the family check it out!